Friday, October 17, 2008

This Presidential candidate Barack Obama is comming up to be the most important Persidental cnaidate ever..why? You ask..Because he is the first Black Candidate also he brings out the youht to vote more than Mccain ever will.....Mccain thinks about the big bussiness and not the small nation we have the nation that needs the help not much the bussiness.He depends on the economy soooo much.. it looks as if that what he is going to focus on more..If he ever gets elected((not going to happen))
Obama focuses more on the people.. and commmunities that need the benefits.....Honestlyyy from the Both points of view from mccain and obama. Obamaa is doing goood but not as what i'd seeing that he had defeated hilary clinton but did not use her as his vice...sincerly i think that was the worst move he had made..because he would've had destory Mccain

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sims2 Comes modeling!!

The sims are bringing out their style.. as we see by this photo of these sims modeling for the Gucci line.
When i discovered this i realized wow..i never knew a sim could model.. I guess its time to teach my sims to by like that, When you have sims2 you could do watever you like with them enter them in contest write stories on them there are so much to do!!.

I went on flickr and disscussed a verry gorguous picture with the sims owner Maya
..She told me that her sim Kristania usually gets tried and does the ridiculous of things but you wouldnt believe it if you saw this photo..


Now what type of sim who un-controllable could do that.. well Maya said it took alot of retouching on Adobe Photoshop cs3 and that was it ^_-

Next i talked to another sims2 creator name Davey her sim was to me the best I ever seen as seen in this picture her name iz Mia

she said this was her contest entry and her sim did make it until the other rounds.but then she entered another sim she likes to call Jen

Miss jen is modeling her creators BillaBONG swimwear which she had made by herself..
well this is it!! Fashion/Fashionista is making its way toward virtual things like sims2.. soon ill be posting up moree info soo0o stay tuned


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Miss piggy over here.. has Decided to take part in our fashionista blog wooo!!!!!!!!!!!!...Lol.(laugh out loud)We are soo very pleased that she would even want and we would like to thank The muppets and company for aloowing us to borrow her for this blog Miss piggy had said this to us earlier '' Money is never wasted only used for what you D e s i r e'' -Miss Piggy .Anyways hope you feel very comfertable readin what I have written with help from Magenta *my other side* Sincerly, .·´¯`·->Ъcïa<-·´¯`·.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fashionista and Myself

Fashionista is all you need to help you through life my fashion posts are unDefined not only that hey are helpful
About me: Im cReative and im studying/Practicing in Graphic Designin so far..iv been pretty good. ^_-
i hope you guys luv my posts and creativity in mind.. i only put up wat i feel loks right and looks good.btw....(I DNT CARE ABOUT RUDE OPINIONS) Lol{Laugh out loud} thanks for you support

